Friday, June 12, 2009

1st week

I am enrolled in English. My professors name is Helen Fountain. I absolutely love this class and Ms. Fountain. I love the discussions that we have. In my high school English class I didn't like discussing because I wasn't comfortable with the people in my class, but in this English class I love it. Everyone is so cool to be around and Ms. Fountain makes it very interesting.

College 101 is very cool. It is really helping me decide what college I would like to attend. I have chosen UNO of course. I can't wait to keep going in this class because it is so helpful. Next Monday I start my service learning project with my partner Lauren Brown. We are going to be working at the Boys and Girls Club (south) with a girl named Paige. I am really excited to get to know Paige and find out all of her interests.

My study group is very helpful. My facilitator is very cool and he helps up with anything that we need help with. He reads our papers before we hand them in so that we can make corrections and get a better grade. In the group we discuss the book Dreams Of My Father by Barack Obama. Everyone's opinion on the book is very interesting.

I love the campus. It's fun. The college students that I see walking around look like they are enjoying themselves but they also look serious. I like walking around the campus and looking at the buildings. So far my favorite place is the library. I love to read and the library has many many books. When I first walked in I could not believe my eyes. I got excited and couldn't wait to start reading. It is by far the best library that i have seen in my life so far.

Being in a group of people that I don't know was kind of intimidating at first, but as I started to talk to them I became more comfortable and started being myself. Everyone here is so amazing and I am excited to get to know them more.

I like listening to everyones opinion and comparing it to my own. It shows how different people are but also how similar. At my school people didn't really take me seriously but my peers here listen to me and encourage me to speak out more.

This program has made a positive impact on my life by allowing me to be myself and and discover new things about me. I have made many friends and I can't wait to see how I will be at the end of the program.

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